The Japan Association for Self-Access Learning (JASAL) is an academic association devoted to promoting self-access language learning in Japan. We aim to provide a forum for our members to disseminate knowledge and share ideas about self-access language learning, running self-access centres and developing learner autonomy. At JASAL, we offer opportunities for professional development and networking, as well as offering our members practical help and support for self-access related projects.

The organization was founded in June 2005 by Garold Murray and Lucy Cooker and now has over 350 members. The Executive Board consists of a president, publicity chair, membership chair, publications chair, events coordinator, and student involvement coordinator, who serve for a 3-year term. Details of the current board are given below. You can also see the members of the Executive Board since JASAL’s inauguration here.

Main activities

1) Conferences & events
From 2006-2014, JASAL organized a Forum devoted to self access, language advising and learner autonomy at the JALT Annual International Conference. In 2015, JASAL organized its first stand-alone conference, JASAL 10th Anniversary Conference. JASAL has continued to hold a National Conference every December, in addition to regional events, workshops, and forums held at other conferences (e.g. ILA2018, JALT PanSIG2017).

We continue to hold such events, and members are invited to present their research and practices through presentations, posters, and discussions.

We also support other self-access events, such as student conferences and regional self-access-related get-togethers.

2) SAC/LLS tours
SAC/LLS tours are a great learning opportunity for JASAL members, as you are able to see a live SAC in operation in an institution other than yours, and to discuss various issues with participants from different institutions.

3)  Language Learning Spaces Registry
JASAL has set up a Registry of SACs in Japan, which aims to provide a central database with basic information about the different centres in Japan to facilitate communication and research activities between centres. We aim to have every SAC in Japan represented. You can see the registry here and register your own centre by completing this simple form. You do not need to be a JASAL member to register a SAC.

4)  Website
This website is a hub of information for members and non-members alike. We provide information about JASAL, links to publications and resources, and details about upcoming events organized by JASAL. Our Conferences & Events page also provides information, including abstracts, summaries, and slides/pdfs on previous JASAL presentations and events.

5)  Discussion Group / Social Media (linktree)
JASAL has a members-only discussion group (run through groups.io) designed to facilitate communication on self-access issues. Members will receive invitations to join. If you are a current member but do not yet have access to the group, please request access by sending an email to JASAL. We also have a Facebook Discussion Group that can be joined here.

Our Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/jasal.org/

Our Twitter handle is: @JASALorg

Our Instagram feed is: @jasalorg

Self-access and language learner autonomy are expanding fields in Japan and around the world. JASAL hopes to help both experienced professionals and those new to the field make connections and develop their practice. Why not join us?

1) No membership fee
There is no fee for being a member of JASAL.
There is usually a fee for attending a conference to cover the costs of that event.

2) Indefinite membership
Once you join JASAL, you are a member for an indefinite period of time. However, if an email that is sent to you is returned, you may be removed from the list of members. This is because some may leave the field or retire without notifying us.
Please let us know when you change your address, or if you no longer wish to be a member.

3) How to join
It’s free to become a member. Just send an email to (jasalorgATgmail.com) with the following information:

Name, affiliation (and name of SAC/LLS if applicable), and reason for interest in joining JASAL.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our future events, or online in the discussion group.

The Executive Board

Katherine Thornton
Otemon Gakuin University (President)
Hisako Yamashita
Kobe Shoin
Women’s University
Branden Kirchmeyer
Sojo University
Betsy Lavolette
Kyoto Sangyo University
Clair Taylor
Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University (Membership)
Mutsumi Kawasaki
Gifu University
(Publications Co-Chair)
Daniel Hooper
Tokyo Kasei University
(Publications Co-Chair)
Emily Marzin
Kanda University of International Studies
(Publicity Co-Chair)
Kayoko Horai
Sojo University
(Publicity Co-Chair)
Umida Ashurova
Kinjo Gakuin University
(Student Involvement Coord.)
Christopher Phelps
Osaka Institute of Technology (Member-at-large)

Our Constitution and Bylaws.

Financial Reports
Our FY 2021 Financial Report.
Our FY 2020 Financial Report.
Our FY 2019 Financial Report.

Privacy Notice
Please read it here.

Contact Us
If you would like to get in contact with the JASAL board, please do so via email to the following address: jasalorgATgmail.com

If you need to send something by post, please send it to:
Katherine Thornton, Otemon Gakuin University, 2-1-15 Nishiai, Ibaraki city, Osaka 567-8502.

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