Call for Papers: SISAC Conference Proceedings

Thank you to everyone who participated in and made the recent Student Involvement in Self Access Centers Conference in Nagoya an astounding success! It was great to see so many students talking passionately about their SACs and exchanging ideas about how to make them even better. We hope to be able to hold similar events in the future. Thanks once again to Risa and her team of students at Sugiyama Jogakuen University for a superb job in organising it all!

In order to spread the word even further and keep the conversation going about student involvement in SACs, we’d like to announce a Call for Papers for a Conference Proceedings.

SiSAC Call for Papers

This conference proceedings will be read by people who couldn’t attend the actual conference, so it’s a great opportunity to share your ideas and suggestions with people all over Japan who are interested in SACs and Learning Centres. We also hope to help authors publish their papers in respected academic journals.

Teachers/advisors/managers: please encourage your students to submit a paper for this volume!

The editors would like to suggest the 3 following kinds of paper for submission:

  1.  a summary of your presentation content
  2.  a conference report, giving details of the different presentations that you saw with some of your reflections
  3.  a reflective report on your experiences at the conference – what you learned and how you would like to change and improve your SAC based on the ideas you got from the conference.

Papers should be around 750 words. The deadline is 6th May, 2013. Please send your submissions to

All submissions will be reviewed by the editors before publication.

We look forward to reading your submissions.

Registration for the Student Conference now open!

Happy New Year from the JASAL committee!

The Student Involvement in Self Access Centres Conference is now coming up very soon (1st & 2nd Feb) (more details here). We have around 10 different student presentations for participants to enjoy, and hope that many JASAL members can come to learn from and support students working hard in Self Access Centres around Japan.

If you are planning to attend the conference, please register by completing this 

Conference Registration Form

and sending it to ASAP. We will also accept onsite registration, but it would help our planning greatly if you could indicate your interest for the different events we will be holding in advance. Registration is free for all students, but, as we are a non-profit conference with very limited funding, we ask for a suggested donation of ¥2000 from professionals attending the conference, to help us cover transportation, food and accommodation costs for student participants who otherwise would not be able to attend.

If you would like to use the onsite accommodation at Nanzan Kenshu Centre, please make sure you return the form by 24th January (sorry about the short notice). Please understand that, due to a limited supply, we cannot promise to be able to meet all requests.

Hope to see many of you in Nagoya in a few weeks!

Student Involvement Conference Update

Season’s Greetings from JASAL! I’m sure there have been many parties held in Centres over the last few weeks, and that we’re all looking forward to a well-earned break.

The nights are drawing in, which means that it’s almost time for Father Christmas to visit, and more importantly, that the Student Involvement in SACs Conference is getting closer. We are happy to announce that there will events over 3 days (1st -3rd Feb), with the main event, the student presentations, taking place on Sat 2nd Feb. See the conference page for more details.

The deadline for proposals from students (max. 200 words) is January 10th. Please have your students email their proposals to, where they will be read and selected by the conference committee, made up of Sugiyama Jogakuen University students.

You can now view information about the conference schedule, access and accommodation details on the conference page here

If you are intending to bring/send students to either attend or present at this conference, but have not yet submitted a proposal or confirmed your interest, please contact the conference organisers at the email address above, especially if you would like to use the accommodation provided at the Centre, as it is quite limited. If the demand is high, it may be necessary to find alternative accommodation.

Gook luck with all your SAC related endeavours in 2013 – JASAL will be here to support you!

Announcement: Student Conference In February 2013

JASAL is proud to support the first ever student conference for Student Involvement in Self Access Centers in Japan, organised by students and staff at Sugiyama Jogakuen University in Nagoya, in association with Nanzan University and JASAL. It will take place in February in Nagoya, and is targetted primarily at students, (although teachers, learning advisors and managers are also encouraged to attend and support their students at the event). For more details, click here.

We hope to see many JASAL members there, supporting their students as they present and share their ideas!SISAC Conference Flyer