JASAL SAC tour at ILA 2018

JASAL and ILA 2018 encourage JASAL members and ILA participants to join the JASAL SAC tour on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 5th before the pre-conference workshops. You do not need to attend the ILA conference to take part in the SAC tour.

We will visit three self-access centers in the Kobe area. The three centers have different student populations and have different features as self-access centers.

The tour will include a guided tour by the host institutions and then a Q&A/Discussion time. Please register HERE if you are interested in participating in this ILA 2018 x JASAL SAC Tour. Free of charge (but train transportation fee, 190 yen (¥190), needs to be paid by participants).

3 self-access centers we will visit (in order)

  •         Konan University Nishinomiya campus CUBE O-Zone

          (Access: http://www.konan-cube.com/access/index.html)

  •         Konan University Okamoto campus Global Zone Porte Language LOFT

          (Access: http://www.konan-u.ac.jp/access/

            Language LOFT HP: http://www.konan-u.ac.jp/kiec/hop/globalzone/)

  •         Konan Women’s University e-space (ILA 2018 venue)

           (University HP: http://www.konan-wu.ac.jp)

Tour Schedule

11:45  Meet at Nishinomiya Kitaguchi station (Hankyu Kobe Line) clock tower area (before you go out of the train station)

12:00  Konan CUBE O-Zone tour and QA/discussion (12:00-12:45)

12:45  Leave Konan CUBE O-Zone

13:00  Take Hankyu Kobe Line to Okamoto station

13:15  Arrive at Okamoto station, Walk to Konan Global Zone Porte Language LOFT

13:30  Konan LOFT Global Zone Porte Language LOFT tour and QA/discussion (13:30-14:15)

14:15  Leave Konan Global Zone Porte Language LOFT

14:30  Konan Women’s University e-space tour and QA/discussion (14:30-15:15)

15:20  Finish SAC tour, Registration for ILA 2018 Conference

15:30  Pre-conference workshops starts

*Please note that we will start our conference at Nishinomiya Kitaguchi station (Hankyu Kobe Line), which is a 5-7 minute train ride from Okamoto station (Hankyu Kobe Line),  a 15-20 minute train ride from Sannomiya station (Hankyu Line), or a 15-minute train ride from Umeda station (Hankyu Line). If you can join from the middle of the tour, you are welcome to join at your convenience (meeting at stations might be difficult, so we ask you to find yourselves to the SAC)  

If you are attending ILA 2018, you can register/receive your badges and bags for the conference after the SAC tour.

If you have any questions, please send an email: ila2018.orgATgmail.com

To find out more about ILA 2018, please visit the ILA 2018 website at ila2018.org

Otemon Gakuin University SAC Tour, Monday 10th September, 2018
In addition, there will be a separate tour of SAC facilities at Otemon Gakuin University, in nearby Osaka, on Monday 10th September. JASAL Membership Chair Katherine Thornton and team will show you around E-CO (English Cafe at Otemon) a self-access center set up in 2013.

The tour will start at 1:00pm and will last approximately 90 minutes.

Otemon Gakuin University is in Ibaraki City, Osaka, approximately 50 minutes from the ILA conference site. From the station, there is a free school bus (20 mins). Those interested in this SAC tour should sign up HERE.

Information about E-CO can be found here: https://www.otemon.ac.jp/cis/campus/eco/english.html